Remote Desktop Services – Adjustments in licensing
Sophos recently made a change to its licensing model that affects the licensing of Remote Desktop Services or Terminal Services.
Sophos Central’s licensing model is not always straightforward. To understand this better, we have already written a corresponding knowledge base article for you.
Situation to date
Previously, Sophos required that a user logging on to a remote desktop server also pay for an endpoint license in order to be properly licensed. So, on the one hand, a license was needed for the server and, on the other hand, Endpoint Protection licenses for the users. In environments where you wanted to protect the clients one way or another with Sophos Endpoint, this was justified and completely understandable.
However, this was less understandable for environments where so-called thin clients were used. Although no antivirus software could be installed on a thin client, it was previously necessary to equip users with endpoint licenses in addition to the server.
That has changed
Sophos has now cleared up this dilemma and, from now on, it is sufficient in such environments if only the terminal servers are equipped with the appropriate server licenses.
This adjustment to the license model may well result in significant discounts for some customers. 🎉