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Sophos Central Server – No mixed licenses with EDR

Sophos Central server protection has recently been enhanced with EDR capabilities. So Sophos now offers you three licensing options to protect your servers:

Regarding licensing, there is something important to keep in mind with EDR: If you license a server with EDR, you must also upgrade all other servers that have a Central license to EDR.

It is therefore not possible, for example, to license one server with “Central Server Protection” and another with “Intercept X Advanced for Server with EDR”. In this case, the Server Protection license must also be raised to EDR.

So, if you are considering equipping your servers with EDR, don’t forget the cost calculation. 😅

Mixed licenses without EDR still allowed

As long as EDR is waived, it is still allowed to mix “Server Protection licenses” with “Intercept X Advanced for Server licenses”, according to our sources at Sophos.


David is responsible for order processing in our online store so that products and licenses are delivered quickly and efficiently. He provides our customers with comprehensive support in selecting the right Sophos product. David has in-depth knowledge of all Sophos products and provides specialized support for the Sophos Central segment.

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