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Activate Sophos Central Enterprise Management

This guide shows the steps required to enable Enterprise Management from a normal Sophos Central account.

If you don’t know exactly what Sophos Central Enterprise is, you should read the following article first: What is Sophos Central Enterprise


  • The Central Admin Account requires a valid license. Enterprise Management cannot be activated with a test account.
  • The Central user needs Super Admin permissions.
  • It requires a valid email address that is not used in any other Sophos Central account.

1. activate enterprise management

Contact us at with your Sophos Central account that meets the above requirements. Then click on your account name in the upper right corner and select Kontoinformationen from the dropdown menu. In the light gray navigation column, switch to the menu item Kontoeinstellungen to access the Enterprise Management settings. Now activate the toggle at Enterprise Management and click on Speichern.

2. confirm enterprise management

In the next step, click Fortfahren to confirm that you really want to enable Enterprise Management. Only an Enterprise Super Admin can undo this step later.

3. create enterprise administrator

You now have two options to create an Enterprise Administrator. You need to think very carefully about which option is right for your situation:

  1. If you want to use the current Central user you are currently logged in with as Enterprise Administrator, you can simply check the checkbox. The user data is then automatically filled into the form fields.
  2. However, if the current Central Account is later to become rather a subordinate sub-administrative unit, do not click the checkbox under any circumstances. Instead, create a new Enterprise Administrator whose email address has not previously been used for any other Sophos Central account.

Then click on Enterprise Management aktivieren und speichern.

4. confirm Enterprise Administrator

If you want to use the current Central user as Enterprise Administrator, a note appears again that this user can only log on to the Central Enterprise console in the future. Access to the normal Central Admin is no longer possible.

Click Fortfahren or Ändern if you still want to create an Enterprise Administrator with a different email address.

Info: If you have used the current Central user as Enterprise Administrator, you will be logged out and logged in to the Enterprise console. You will most likely still need to set up two-factor authentication for security reasons. If you have created a new Enterprise Administrator, a welcome email will be sent to the email address provided to set up another secure password.

Further information